Sunday, 17 February 2013

Living in the 21st Century 21: Convenience

Living in the 21st Century:  Convenience

The propriety of enjoyment not a person sows,
But if the art of its survival is in hollow marshes,
 Thence a marriage of love is the perfect way.
 To marry for carnal pursuit is to put
Wisdom into the next flight
 To doomsday!

A love of convenience is worse
Than a wedlock of inconvenience,
Since all knots are unwanted
At some point in their life span.
So, no marriage of convenience does
 Exist in reality!

The scribe imagined something inexplicable:
One woman marries for money,
Fame and power while the other
For the strength of a man; this is vanity:
But who can resist raw male strength
And wealth?!

The poet saw something mysterious:
Another man also marries for fame,
Money and power while the next one
For the beauty of a woman: this is vanity;
But who can oppose raw female beauty,