Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Congratulations President Elect Barack Obama

President Elect Barack Obama

Dear President Elect Barack Obama and Vice-President Elect Joe Biden,

It is with great joy that I write to congratulate you for this stunning and historic victory at the United States Presidential elections that took place Tuesday 4 November 2008.

I believe this victory belongs to you, the citizens of the United States of America and all the people of the world.

There comes a time in the history of the world when the people see the light and choose what is right; so that social justice, peace and prosperity will reign: this is the moment.

It was your hard work, moral standing, unprecedented talent, energy, concern for the world and your enormous connection with humanity that made this possible. Not since the ancient times of our human ancestors has a victory been so celebrated by the entire world; and by all peoples of the world. It is with this note that we can surely say that your message was well received and I pray to God to guide you in delivering your promise in equity and justice for all.

I therefore join the American people to extend my sincere congratulations to you for this epoch-making event that has clearly ushered a new era of change for America and the entire world.

God bless you and your families.

Louis Egbe Mbua Ph.D.

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